Pet Insurance
Statistics in the UK indicate that the millions of the Nation's pet owners spend something in the region of £2 billion on Christmas presents for their animals every year. So in view of this astonishing fact and given the ease of obtaining pet insurance, why do only less than 1 in 6 owners actually take out insurance policies covering the health and welfare of their faithful friends?
Pet Insurance Quotes for Ongoing Treatment
The cost of pet insurance premiums can range from around £25 to £500. The cost will be dependant on the breed of pet you want insured. Pet insurance need not be unaffordable. Your pet may well be free of any illness and your insurance premiums could be totaly affordable. You may need pet insurance for ongoing treatment. It is worth taking time to shop around for the right pet insurance and choosing the payment plan that suits you best.
Pet insurance - like any other form of insurance - is only useful when you need it! The cost of emergency treatment without an insurance policy to cushion the blow can be very high. It may be worth cutting down on expensive treats and putting the money aside for the monthly cost of the premiums.
When your pet becomes ill, the only recourse is a trip to the Veterinary Surgeon. On average, statistics show that around half of all pet owners are forced to make an unplanned trip to their vet every two years.
Benefits of Pet Health Cover
Some examples of the cost of treatment are around £1000 for heart treatment and only a little less for abdominal surgery. A course of treatment for arthritis in a dog is around £500 and of course many animals require on-going treatment for injury and illness.
On top of the initial treatment, there are the costs involved in the hospitalisation of the recovering animal. So a solid insurance policy may in the worst case senario, relieve the caring owner from making a painful decision based on costs.
Like all insurance policies, Pet Insurances vary from insurer to insurer. Routine treatments and existing conditions may not always be covered. There may be exclusions and there will almost certainly be a capped limit on costs covered. But the right insurance policy for your dog and cat will be out there. Premiums may increase with the age of the pet and of course, different animals and the various breeds will attract differing insurance costs.
The costs connected with medical treatment are only one aspect covered by pet insurance. Pet policies can include cover for the expense of the publicity and advertising involved if your pet is lost.
A policy may also insure the heavy legal costs in the event of a defended claim against you for injury as a result of the actions of your pet. Some policies will pay for the care of your pet if you are incapacitated and even the cost of replacing valuable animal if it is stolen.