Put an end to puppy farms
26/01/2010 Do not buy puppies from adverts, pet shops or websites
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The Dogs Trust recently branded puppy farms as “battery farming of dogs” and said it was concerned that responsible dog owners were being duped in to buying dogs from farms without realising the poor conditions the dogs were kept in and the subsequent health problems suffered by the puppies which often leads to serious illness and death in many cases.
Many dog owners did not realise that if they bought their puppies from an advert in the press, pet superstore or from the internet, chances were very high they were buying from puppies supplied from puppy farms.
The Trust has issued guidelines for all would be dog owners to take into consideration in order to safely buy a “cruelty free dog”. The guidelines include- ask to see the puppies’ mother, check all the paperwork, do not buy from the internet, newspaper advert, pet shop or garden centre.
The chief executive of the Dogs Trust, Clarissa Baldwin said “Most reputable breeders would never sell their dogs through newspaper adverts, pet shops or superstores, garden centres or websites.” She goes on to say that many selling dogs on the internet are duping buyers by saying their dogs are from “unplanned litters”. Breeding bitches are kept in terrible conditions where they are used as puppy making machines, given no stimulation, are kept in terrible conditions, bred continuously and discarded when they are no longer of any use to the owners
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This Month: News For January 2010